Calcined bauxite
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what is HFST bauxite?

Views: 1642 times Updated :2017-09-29

HFST Bauxite

Calcined bauxite has traditionally been the most commonly used aggregate material used for High Friction Surfacing.The inherent nature of Calcined Bauxite resists shear stresses that lead to polishing of the road surface. Its hardness is also beneficial in internal and external industrial flooring applications where a very hard and long lasting mineral is required to give high-friction, anti-slip performance.Calcined Bauxite has been found to exhibit characteristics far superior to alternative road surface aggregates.


The majority of public sector systems will specify that Calcined Bauxite be used in their road and pedestrian crossing installations including the danger zone on the highway, the urban traffic roundabouts, the traffic sign, the traffic jam road, the pedestrian crosswalk, the deceleration area, the bikeway, the bridge, the platform, the truck park, the handicapped spaces and other parking lots, the stadium, the factory and industrial zone, the airport, the railway, the bus station, the leisure district, the beautify area and etc.  

Sinocean Industrial Limited is an investor, producer and supplier of calcined bauxite & related products to a wide variety of industries throughout the world.

If you interested in bauxite knowledge or purchasing calcined bauxite, please feel free to contact us.

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